Education for Transformation – EFT 2024


7th August, Wednesday, Time 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM


Education Leaders- CEO, Director, Chancellors, VC’s, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Trustees, Deans
Policy Makers- Ministers, Secretariats, Edu officials
Principal, Vice principal, Registrar, Professors
Edtech Start ups
Industry Professionals

Why it is mandated to attend EFT 2024

Only focused Platform to brand Karnataka education
Only platform to create global forum to attract Students to Study in Karnataka
1st time to bring all the Education, research, policy makers, start up and industry to work together
Only platform to discuss challenges, issue and find solutions collaboratively
Only platform to have a team to follow up the discussion, issues and take it to next level with a commission of ETF – Education Task Force
Ongoing platform to address problem faced by educational institutions by the ETF- Education Task Force
Only platform to create awareness of all existing education policies, schemes, and discuss the same
Signing of MoU’s to collaborate with other institutions within Karnataka for a win-win
Only platform for creating pool of talent for sharing of Information, Resource and talent


The conclusions drawn from Summit discussion will be diligently recorded and distributed to the Department of Education, as well as to all universities and colleges throughout Karnataka.

A special ETF- Education Task Force formed will take the agendas with the Govt and Policy maker on a consistent basis.

EFT will continually organize webinars and workshops to educate about the Progress in Education globally, that can be embraced to bring in Transformation.

We will strive to build upon the insights, reviews, decisions, and resolutions reached during the summit, the subsequent EFT summit with deeper research will advance a fresh agenda spearheaded by the Education Task Force.

This ensures a seamless continuation of our collective efforts towards fostering positive transformations in the education sector.

We are expecting participation from over 100 renowned institutions, including decision-makers such as chancellors, chairpersons, vice-chancellors, pro-vice-chancellors, deans, faculty members, and officials from universities, colleges, and higher education bodies, along with representatives from industries. This collective gathering of influential figures will drive the discussions and work together to bring about the desired changes. The power lies in coming together, discussing, and implementing solutions collaboratively.